Car Diagnostics & Air Conditioning

Roan Autos - There for the Journey

car diagnositcs kidderminster

Car Diagnostics

Did you know that your car may have more computing power than the Apollo mission to the moon? Modern cars are getting very technically managed. Some cars have up to 10 on board computers that control their engines, alarms, electrical circuits, radios, seats, convertible tops, braking systems, safety devices, traction control, emissions and climate controls. These computers have up to 88 wires to them controlling lots of different devices.  

This immense complexity coupled with the other normally occurring mechanical problems and fuel quality irregularities, can make diagnostics very difficult. The newer "smarter" fault recording computers help us by recording certain problems that we can recover but are by no means an easy fool proof way to repair.

As a commitment toward both our customers and our goal of providing the most complete and highest quality service, we have purchased the finest diagnostics systems available. However, this system is still not the ultimate answer for these types of problems. The final ingredient is your patients and understanding.

Some Faults are stored in the E.C.U. System and are download in the form of codes and Numbers. Downloaded in the form of K.A.M. (Keep Alive Active Memory)


Air Conditioning

Your cars air conditioning system can loose up to 15% of its refrigerant every year

A poorly performing car air conditioning system can cause a build up of fungus, bacteria and other microbes growing inside the evaporator core, causing a smell, sometimes an allergic reaction and can lead to legionnaires disease.

At our garage in Kidderminster we can repair, replace and test your vehicles air conditioning with our specialist equipment.

Get in touch.